To ignite the human spark in organisations – creating positive, engaging, empowering and resilient Cultures - ready for now and the future.

People are the life force of your organisation – the essence of who you are.  Your people are your Culture yet globally 85% of employees are not engaged.

A strong and positive culture is key to unlocking human potential and growth.  Companies that create a winning culture are five times more likely to be top performers (Mckinsey, 2021)

Your company’s culture can help you successfully navigate uncertainty and volatility - providing a huge competitive advantage. Organisations that will thrive in this increasingly complex and changing world are those with positive, purpose-driven, and people-centric cultures.

Culture has always been important, but it is now more vital than ever.


We are passionate about helping you to create a unique future-ready culture that works for your organisation. 

We believe in the power of culture to transform your organisation and positively impact business performance.  Get your culture right and the rest will follow.

Our three core Services are designed to spearhead, accelerate and embed positive cultural change – igniting your human spark and unlocking potential at the Leadership, Team and Organisational level. 

We start by fully understanding your organisation then we shape bespoke solutions - combining our three Services which focus on igniting your:



> TEAM Spark

“Build organisations that are as resilient, creative and passion-filled as the people who work within them….(give) every human being at work the opportunity to flourish”

Hamel & Zanini, 2020


How resilient, creative and passion-filled is your organisation?

How resilient and creative are your leaders?

How can you create a culture where every person has the opportunity to flourish at work?

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